11160161 - Anglais : enjeux socio-économiques contemporains

Crédits ECTS 2.5
Volume horaire total 18
Volume horaire CM 18



Etudier l’évolution des liens politiques, diplomatiques, culturels, économiques, militaires et historiques des Etats-Unis et du Royaume Uni à l’aune de la “relation spéciale” anglo-américaine depuis la Deuxième guerre mondiale jusqu’à nos jours.


Since World War II, Anglo-American relations have often been characterized as “special” because of the particularly close political, diplomatic, cultural, economic, military, and historical bonds the two countries share. The evolution of the world’s balance of power, changing political leaders, Brexit, have challenged this “special relationship” former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill first described in 1946.
Organized in several chronological chapters (Independence to WW2; WW2 and the Birth of the Special Relationship; The Beginning of the Cold War and the Strengthening the Special Relationship; The Decline of British influence; the Conservative 1980s; the Turn of the Century; the War on Terror; What’s Next?), this course will question the extent to which the special relationship has been significant for the United States and for The United Kingdom.

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