Department of Anglophone Studies


The teaching and exams of the Department of Anglophone Studies at Jean Moulin University (Lyon 3) are administered by the Faculty of Languages. 

The department is composed of 41 permanent members within the following ranks: 4 full Professors (PR), 19 Associate Professors (MCF), 6 full-time instructors (3 professeurs agrégés and 3 professeurs certifiés), 4 temporary full-time instructors, 2 visiting professors, and 6 temporary language lecturers.  The department invites one visiting foreign faculty member every year for either one or two semesters.

Teaching within the department is divided among the following three tracks:

  • Foreign Languages and Cultures (LCE): This track covers the first three years (Licence), the two Master years, and the three Doctoral years (L-M-D, 3-5-8); and is often pursued by students who intend to prepare the competitive exams (concours) for recruitment as primary and secondary school teachers, the CAPES and Agrégation.  Special concours preparation classes are also provided by the department.
  • Applied Foreign Languages (LEA): This track is open to all students for the three Licence years, and a continuation for the two Master years may be pursued upon committee approval. la filière Langues Etrangères Appliquées (LEA) : de la 1ère année de Licence jusqu'au Master 2, avec des masters sélectifs.
  • Languages for Special Purposes and Other Majors (LANSAD): This track from Licence to Master (3-5) is open to students majoring in other languages, including French, as well as to students of history, geography, and other disciplines. la filière Langues pour Spécialistes d'Autres Disciplines (LANSAD) : de la 1ère année de Licence jusqu'au Master 2, pour les étudiants de lettres, d'histoire, de géographie, et d'autres langues.


Full-time faculty are also members of various Education Ministry-recognized research centers according to their area of specialization.  Three such centers administered at Lyon 3 are:

After the three Licence years, students may continue on the research track and specialize in one of the following areas: literature, civilization, linguistics, translation studies, pedagogy.


It is extremely important that students in the department be able to have a linguistic and cultural experience in one or more English-speaking countries: the United Kingdom, Ireland, North America, Australia, New Zealand, etc.  To facilitate this, a system of exchanges with students from various English-speaking universities has existed for many years, and these exchanges have allowed dozens of Lyon 3 students to continue their studies abroad or get some work experience as a French school teacher or as a teaching assistant at the university level with one of our exchange partners. 

Of course effective English teaching is not simply a matter of linguistic competence, but requires a strong knowledge of English-speaking cultures.  This cultural knowledge is acquired in various forms according to the track chosen by the student at the Licence level and beyond.